I thought it would be cool if there was a contest where people would create pieces based on countries. Basically all you'd have to do is use instruments, melodies, or lyrics to represent a country of your choice, it's pretty simple.
For example, if you wanted to represent Japan you could use a Taiko drum and maybe mention something about Manga.
The thread for the contest is: Here.
I'll look forward to your entries!
The Contestants:
User: Deflector
Song Title: Pyramids of Sand
Country: Egypt
Genre: Miscellaneous
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /211230
User: HaniiPuppy
Song Title: The Thistle Ower The Grave
Country: Scotland
Genre: Classical
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /211701
User: zomgkerrie
Song Title: My Minds' Eye
Country: India
Genre: Ambient
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /211807
User: Kazm0
Song Title: Deutsche Musik
Country: Germany
Genre: Techno
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /212586
User: NeverHundred
Song Title: Thieves World
Country: Russia
Genre: Miscellaneous
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /212515
User: Spikrodd
Song Title: Overdoze
Country: Belgium
Genre: Dance
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /211202
User: Lashmush
Song Title: The Swarm
Country: South Korea
Genre: Heavy Metal
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /209922
Song Title: Latin Insomnia
Country: Argentina
Genre: Latin
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /210989
The Scoring System:
Contestants will be able to score a maximum of 20 points from each Judge. Every Judge will be looking at how well each entry does in the following sectors:
#1 Representation; (How well the song portrays the country allocated)
#2 Originality; (How creative was the artist? How original is this piece?)
#3 Sound Quality: (how professional does the track sound?)
#4 Errors :(Are there any notes out of key? Out of place drums?)
(If you haven't noticed, the mark scheme seems to spell "Rose", The judges have nicknamed it "The Score Rose")
You can gain 5 points from each sector, the judges total them up and you have your score from that judge. The scores for all three judges are then combined to give you your total score. (Which will be out of 60)
i'm so excited!!!
The post has been updated:
Contestants added.
Total Contestants Confirmed: 13
Total Contestants Unconfirmed: 3